Friday, March 7, 2008

Things "they" never teach you

Going through life there are certain things that nobody ever takes time to explicitly explain to you in any sort of detail. Important things. Things that if you don't know them v. well, you may find yourself in trouble.

Now, I'm not blaming my parents, just society in general. These are things I think you should learn in high school.

1. How to Register for College Courses-
oh, they do? Hmmm, must have been "elsewhere" during that class.

Let's try this again.

The List of Things "They" Should have taught you in High School.

1. You must change the oil in your car every 3,000 miles or the repairs will be 100x what a stupid oil change would have cost you in the first place.

2. No, that car DIDN'T see you. Neither did the woman yakking on her cell phone driving it.

3. You will turn in to your mother. And I'm okay with that. I think its funny. I'm not just saying that because she reads this. Hi Mom.

4. The mail/newspaper/trashcans/phone books/plastic baggies with small rocks and lawn mowing service ads will not bring themselves in the house/behind the fence/into the trash bin no matter how hard you will them to. And I know you see them. Don't act like you don't.

5. How to successfully board a plane. Seriously, from parking to checking in at the ticket counter and checking your bags to finding security and getting to your gate and finding the Starbucks with the best line length the distance from gate ratio, its hard the first dozen or so times.

6. How to buy a car without getting ripped off. I did this process twice with my dad. When I finally went on my own, my eyeballs still sucked in and I sweated like a whore in church.

7. That even though that guy who you stopped in the middle of the street so he could cross- when you had to get home to pee/let the dogs out/watch gossip girl - DIDN'T even bother to NOD his appreciation that YOU out of ALL the other cars who FLEW by him, stopped for HIS CONVENIENCE so he could cross where there isn't even a friggin' crosswalk, you should still feel good and karma will kiss you back. In other words, if you do a good deed and it goes unnoticed, it will be paid forward.

and on a lighter note, they should also teach you...

8. You can't lie to the dentist and tell him you floss. He knows you are full of it.

Have a great weekend my little chickadees!



Kate said...

Well, if everyone eventually turns into her mother, I'm turning into Nan and I think this is a good thing. As for you... Hope you like beer and Buffett... xxoo

Anonymous said...

I'm allready like Nan, and my father, how do you like that? What a combo.
Seriously, they really do need to each you about parking at the airport and that whole register for college courses thing. I am missing you! How's it??